·Chart your plan, on a "sorting and downsizing calendar". Schedule a starting time even if it is a month from now. Remember to schedule days off for time with family and friends, doing things you enjoy.
·Set mini goal, take only one room at a time and divide your projects for that room in small pieces, move one step at a time on each before moving on to the next. With these goals, one room at a time, it is easier to chart your progress and celebrate small successes.
·Create a floor plan of your new home and begin to think about where you will place furniture. It’s important to take note of where electrical outlets are located, how many kitchen cabinets your current home has vs. your new home and much more. If your current home has 10 cabinets and your new home has 3, we suggest taping off 3 cabinets in your current home and placing everything that has to go in your new home within the cabinets to ensure you will have adequate space for your must have items.
·Make an inventory list of furniture in each room; note each piece MOVE (M) SELL (S) GIVEAWAY (G). Use color stickers on furniture, lamps large pieces of art and knick-knacks. MOVE (GREEN) SELL (ORANGE) GIVEAWAY (RED) FOR FAMILY (BLUE).
·Reduce "Knick Knack Clutter", take a good look at the things in your house that are in sight; if you do not like it anymore or you have no use for it, give it away, sell it, or discard it. Designate an area in each room for 3 boxes and a trash bag. Family Box; Sell Box; Charity box and The Trash.
·Banish General Clutter, feeling like your stuff is in control of you? It is not; you’re in control of your stuff! While watching TV in your favorite chair each evening take a drawer with you and a Big trash bag. If you haven't looked at it, touched it, used it for ages or you have no clue what that "thingamajig" is, it’s time to place it in the donate or trash box.
·Down size your closet, discard or recycle anything that is old, doesn't fit or hasn't been out of the dry cleaning bag since you brought it home it from the cleaners two years ago. It is OK to have a "Maybes" pile - but if after one month you still have not worn it, give it away.
·Giving Away Family Heirlooms – Make a list of the items you’d like to give away to and send it to each family member, instructing them to put their name next to anything they wanted and send it back. You’ll decide who gets what, but learning what they are interested in will make things easier on you. If you’d rather not give your items away, you may consider selling them in an estate sale or on Ebay. We can help you with all of the above.
·Update your bathroom; spend an extra half hour in the bathroom each morning to go through the stuff in your bathroom cabinets. Throw out everything that has passed the expiration date. Discard of gifts you’ve received that you haven’t used (crèmes, lotions, etc). You won’t hurt anyone’s feelings by throwing them out. Also, you can get rid of those empty prescription med bottles you’ve been saving.
·Take time to reminisce, gather all of the family photos and memorabilia into special boxes of their own. On your scheduled days off, enjoy sharing special memories with family and friends. Share the history of "Family Heirlooms", have a family member or friend record it on a small card and attach it to the piece. Cherished family memories move on from generation to generation.
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